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How can I upgrade my meter and will I be charged?

We are upgrading to Smart Meters across the region. The upgrade is free as it's an improvement to our assets. In the future, your upgraded meter will help us find and fix leaks faster than ever before - we'll even be able to contact you if we think you have leak. With meters across the region, we can better understand water use across the year and plan for water demand in specific towns. And when more homes have an upgraded meter, we won't need to make as many visits to read meters or fix faulty ones (saving time, carbon and money!).

We'll let you know when you'll be able to access these additional features. For more information, please visit our Meter Upgrade page.

We will aim to complete the work with as little disruption as possible, as replacing meters is a pretty straight forward job and doesn't require any extensive work. 

Check our post code finder on our website to see when we're planning to come into your area to upgrade meters.

If you do not have a meter, then you can apply for a meter via our Request a meter page.

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