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Household / Help and Advice / Account & Bills
- Changes to your charges
- I need to let you know about a bereavement
- Can I get a reduction on my Sewerage Charges?
- I need to change or amend the name on my account
- I need to change my address
- Why do I get two bills from different companies
- Essex and Suffolk Water Combined Bills
- Can I have a refund and when will it be received?
- I need to pay my bill
- What is Surface Water Drainage?
- I've had a leak, can I have a refund?
- My property is empty and I have been charged
- Can I add another person to my account?
- I need a copy of a bill
- I have a credit on my bill
- Where will I find my account number?
- I want to change some details on an account
- I'd like to submit a meter reading
- I've received a text or email about a refund
- I would like to adjust my monthly Bill