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Can I get a reduction on my Sewerage Charges?

We calculate that 90% of the water used by most households will flow back into sewers for recycling. A 10% allowance is made for things like watering the garden.

You could increase this allowance if you can show us that less water is being released back into the public sewers. For example if you have any of the following that isn't connected to the public drainage system:

  • a pond
  • a swimming pool
  • a spa or hot tub
  • a grey water harvesting system

Lawn and seasonal watering allowances can also be requested.

If you are struggling with the payments for your sewerage charges or want to look at what other tariffs are available an Extra Care Assessment can be completed with you where we look at your income against certain outgoings to identify the best tariff for you. You are able to apply online or you can call us for free on 0800 169 3630 where our team will be happy to help and run through the application with you. 

If we do not bill you for sewerage charges then we can not offer you a reduction. 

Please choose from the options below to help with your query. You can also look at surface water deductions from selecting this option.  

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