Just so you know, questions are recorded for quality purposes. For more information, please visit our privacy notice here.
Household / Services
- Which company bills me at my property?
- What work is planned in my area?
- Smart Meters
- Where can I find the drinking water report?
- I have a water pressure issue
- What are the blue paint markings in the street?
- I have a pumping station enquiry?
- I want to locate a pipe
- Where can I find out more about plumbing and drainage insurance?
- I wish to report an issue
- What is Geodesys?
- How can I upgrade my meter and will I be charged?
- How do I know if Anglian Water is the supplier is in my area?
- What's in my water?
- Do you add fluoride to the water?
- Serious water Stress - compulsory meters
- I would like a sewer connection to the public sewers
- When will my meter be exchanged?
- What is Digdat?
- Is there Magnesium in my water?