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Why have my payments increased?

Your payments may have increased for one of three reasons:

* An outstanding amount on your bill
* You previously received lowered payments due to a credit balance that's now been used against a bill
* Your water consumption has increased

You can read about possible causes of increased consumption. If you think none of these reasons apply to you, please Contact us to discuss.

Ever financial year we do review our prices, which could mean an increase. You can read about our charges on our Tariffs & Charges page.

It's also worth looking at our Tariffs page to see if you meet the criteria for any that we offer. 

Find out how you can save water which will help to reduce your bills going forward.

If you prefer to chat with someone online, one of our dedicated Live Chat agents will be happy to help.

If someone is available to chat the option will be available at the top right of this chat box.

Alternatively, you can visit our Contact Us page for other ways to talk to us about your increased payments including WhatsApp messaging. 

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