Just so you know, questions are recorded for quality purposes. For more information, please visit our privacy notice here.

How can I check the progress of my job?

If you require information or an update on a job that has been raised for your personal property, you can contact us on 03457 145 145.

We don't currently have the function for you to search against a job number on our website for an update, therefore you would need to contact us to discuss this.

If you're looking for updates on work being carried out in your area, you should be able to find this on our dedicated Report an Issue website.

If there are no issues showing in your area, you can let us know about your issue online. You can keep track of the issue and the work we're doing to fix it from your computer or smartphone. You can tell us and follow any updates using the link sent to your mobile number or email address.

Alternatively, you can also call our 24/7 emergency hotline on 03457 145 145. Alternatively, if you need further help, visit our Contact Us page for all the ways to speak to us.

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