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Why is my bill estimated?

When you first move into a property, we calculate how much we expect your bills to be based on the number of people living in your property. We use this to set up a payment arranagement if required.

Once we have been out to read the meter at your property and get to know how much water you use, we can then predict how much your payments need to be to cover your actual usage.

We guarantee to read your meter once a year, which means that sometimes you may get a bill based on an estimated meter reading. This is because it is not always possible for us to access the water meter, or have the resources to come out and read the meter ourselves.

If we do produce you an estimated bill we will base this on your previous water usage so, unless your circumstances have changed, it should be fairly accurate. However, if you are able to read the meter yourself you can input the meter reading using MyAccount to amend the water bill based on an actual reading.

You can estimate your household's own water usage using our calculator.

If you'd like to talk to us about this issue, please visit our Contact us page for options of how to reach us.

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