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How do I find my water meter?

Water meters can be located internally or externally. Internal meters can be found under the kitchen sink, in an airing cupboard or in a bathroom usually behind a toilet.

External meters can be found immediately outside the boundary of the property that they serve, in the ground in a chamber with a lid.

We have three different types of meters. We have information to help you on how to read your meter

If you want to amend your estimated bill, you can submit a reading using our online form, or you can manage your account online using MyAccount.

If you're having difficulty locating your meter, please call us on 03457 919 155 where we can provide you with more information on it's location, and even arrange to visist the property to let you know the location.

If you prefer to chat with someone online, one of our dedicated Live Chat agents will be happy to help where the option will be displayed at the top right of this chat box.

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