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It is affecting my cold water supply

If you have no water or low pressure on your cold water supply then this could be the cause of the issues with your hot water supply.

You can report this online. You can keep track of the issue and the work we're doing to fix it from your computer or smartphone. Just visit our Report an issue page. Alternatively, you can call us on 03457 145 145.

If your water supply will be disrupted due to planned maintenance, we'll leave a card at your property. Supply will be restored by the time given on the card. If it's not restored, call our Operations team on 03457 145 145.

If your supply has been disrupted but there is no maintenance planned then we'd like to apologise. To find out when your supply might be restored have a look at our Report an Issue page.

If you prefer to chat with someone online, one of our dedicated Live Chat agents will be happy to help.

If someone is available to chat the Live Chat icon will appear at the top of this chat box. Alternatively, you can find a full list of available contact methods and opening times on our contact us page.