Just so you know, questions are recorded for quality purposes. For more information, please visit our privacy notice here.

Did Anglian Water contact me?

If you have received an SMS text message about your Anglian Water account, it should have come from the sender 'AnglianWtr' (+44 7860092198) or these mobile numbers: 07860035827 / 07860035821 / 07860078261.

If this is the case then these are genuine messages.

If it was another mobile number, please let us know by calling 03457 919 155 so that we can look into this. 

If we have called you from our contact centre the telephone number will be either 03457 919155 0r 0800 919 155. These are our main contact numbers, and can be used to call us if you wish to discuss your account.

Our proactive flooding number is 0800 072214 if there is an incident in your area that could affect your property.

We will contact you using an automated system should a payment be overdue, or there is a balance that is not being managed. Please call us on 0800 975 5574 to discuss your account further and confirm if you've been contacted.

We also send SMS messages about problems with our network via our Report An Issue website if you have this set up.

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