Just so you know, questions are recorded for quality purposes. For more information, please visit our privacy notice here.

Website Accessibility

We have partnered with Recite me to help you make the most out of our website by providing a more accessible experience, and to make it as user friendly as possible. This is part of our commitment to ensuring equal access and usability for all users when navigating our website and getting the information they require.

There is option to use an assistive toolbar to customise your settings based on your personal requirements. This can be accessed by clicking on the 'Accessibility & Translations' button (top right of the website) which will open the Recite me tool bar.

This provides options for you to select from to best suit your needs; including viewing the website in 125 different languages, the ability to adjust text size and colour, and plays audio should this be required.

Recite me offer a User Guide to help with navigating, and provides some further information on the services available.

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