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Household / What's Happening in Your Area / Report an Issue
- I want to report a blocked drain/sewer
- I have an issue with my supply
- Can I have an emergency phone number for a Water or Sewerage issue?
- Where can I report an emergency?
- I want to report an issue with a water meter
- There is condensation in my meter
- I want to report an issue with drains
- Where is my stoptap?
- My drain or manhole cover is raised/damaged/broken
- I've seen a leak in a public area
- I would like to report some damage
- The sewer is overflowing and leaking
- I want to report an issue with rodents
- I can hear a noise in my water pipe
- Is there Nitrate in my water?
- My toilet is blocked or will not flush
- I have a problem
- I think my water is contaminated
- I have no hot water
- My water is yellow, blue or green in colour