Just so you know, questions are recorded for quality purposes. For more information, please visit our privacy notice here.
Household / Help and Advice
- Help paying a bill?
- How do I know if a property has a water meter?
- How do I find my water meter?
- I want to report a blocked drain/sewer
- What is the hardness of the water in my area?
- I have an issue with my supply
- Switching from Unmeasured to Measured supply
- How do I access my meter chamber?
- Can I have an emergency phone number for a Water or Sewerage issue?
- I am a disabled customer
- Can you flush dog poo down the toilet?
- Locating my water mains
- Extra Care and Support
- Do you sell water butts?
- Where is my stoptap?
- What are your billing call centre opening hours?
- Is my tap water safe to drink?
- I need a meter key
- Did Anglian Water contact me?
- How do I know if my meter is smart and how I can access my data?